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Key Club

  • Key Club is a service based club in affiliation with Kiwanis. It is an international student-led organization that provides its members with opportunities to perform service, build charature an ddevelop leadership. We along with Kiwanis sponsor the annual K-Day Pancake Breakfast and Parade, all proceeds from this endevor go to Riley children's Hospital. during the year we raise money and awareness for many organization including American Cancer Society (Relay for Life), Salvation Army, Local Food Pantry, Adopt A Block to name a few. We meet at school as needed once or twice a month both before and after school to accommodate all of our busy schedules. All students are eligible to join at any time. Our vision is to develop  competent, capable and caring leaders through service to others. The back of our T-shirts have a quote from former President Harry Truman. "You can accomplish anythingif you don't care who gets the credit." Please contact me with any questions or more information at or stop by the Apex Room on the second floor.